Frequently asked questions...
Is archery safe?
Surprisingly, archery is one of the safest sports! Statistically you are much more likely to get injured playing soccer, or even watching soccer! You are approximately two and a half times more in danger playing golf than at an archery club. Archery has good safety margins and procedures built into it, right from the start.
This is one of the reasons archery is such a good activity for youngsters to take up. Apart from excercise out of doors, it requires learning discipline, plus the ability to follow the field captains' orders. As you can imagine, no foolishness is acceptable on a shooting line.
Can I use my crossbow at the club?
At this time we do not allow the use of crossbows
Do I need my own bow to join?
No, in the first instance there is plenty of equipment at the club for you to start with, until you find out the strength of bow you need and the type of bow you would like to shoot. Our expert coaches will guide you in this - so you don't need a bow to join or try the sport.
What bows can I use?
Basically, almost all types of bow are welcome, except crossbows. The most common being the recurve bow and compound bow - but traditional wooden bows can be used too.
What age must I be to shoot?
We allow youngsters from the age of 8 to shoot at the club.
How fast do arrows go?
This is a difficult question to answer exactly because there a quite a few variables to consider, such as bow limb poundage & weight of arrow. Also, the draw strength of the archer contributes too.
However, some generalities can be made and someone shooting a 20lb bow can expect their arrows to travel at around 100 feet per second, which is about 68 miles an hour.
A 30lb bow might be around 150 fps, which is about 102 mph.
A 40lb bow can be around 200 fps, which is around 136 mph.
Do you have 'taster' sessions?
Yes we do. At several time during the year we have short sessions designed to give the newcomer a go at archery - afterall you don't really know if it's for you until you've tried it for yourself. The best thing is to follow us on facebook, so you get updates when the taster sessions are happening, or contact the Secretary via the contact form.
We also have beginner sessions which are usually over 4 consecutive Sunday afternoons. These are great for learning the basics with a coach.
Can I shoot at your club while visiting the Bridlington area?
You can shoot at the club if you have contacted the secretary first for permission and you have a safety certificate / membership to a valid archery club. Use the enquiry form.
Can I hunt with a bow in the UK?
No! It is currently illegal to hunt with a bow in the UK. See Government advice.
Does your club have easy access?
There is ample car parking by the club shooting grounds and the terrain is quite flat. Naturally the area we shoot on is grassed, so if you are using a wheel chair or buggy you will need to make sure it can move safely on this type of surface. During the winter months we have one evening of shooting indoors and this can be accessed via a ramp, and if opening doors are a difficulty there is always someone around to assist. Let us know your requirements and we will accomodate where possible.
Who regulates archery in the UK?
Archery in the UK is regulated by Archery GB - why not visit their web site for more information?
How do I make enquiries?
In the first instance please use the contact form - you can reach this by clicking on 'contact' here, or in the top menu.